Contact us

Tel./fax 045/544 20 30

Mintal s.r.o.
Sielnica 414, 962 31
GPS: 48.634926 N 19.114430 E

IČO: 48093076
DIČ: 2120049470
IČ DPH: SK2120049470

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Add your contact details together with a ground plan and we will shortly contact you with our quote and suggest the options

Ing. Roman Vajs
executive officer
+421 918 703 093
Ing. Marcel Halčin
sales department
+421 917 169 841
Marek Výboh
sales department
+421 915 837 884

+421 917 169 841
+421 915 837 884

Consulting centre in Bratislava
Dúbravská cesta 9 (Areál SAV)
814 38 Bratislava

(Date of consulting agreed upon a telephone conversation)