Keeping up with the times is one of our main goals. Every year, many new innovations are introduced in our segment, which we immediately try to adapt to our market and manufacturing processes. Since we declare high quality for our products, this would not be possible without high-quality glass.
Keeping up with the times is one of our main goals. Every year, many new innovations are introduced in our segment, which we immediately try to adapt to our market and manufacturing processes. Since we declare high quality for our products, this would not be possible without high-quality glass.
ECLAZ is the new generation of low-emission coatings from Saint-Gobain, designed for highly advanced solutions in the field of insulating glass. Aesthetics, thermal insulation properties, solar gains, and daylight transmission – ECLAZ offers all of this, fulfilling the highest demands for energy efficiency and user comfort in buildings and structures, without any compromises.
Možno si to väčšina z nás neuvedomuje, ale v interiéroch budov trávime až 90% nášho času. Práve sklovina ECLAZ prináša skvelú príležitosť, ako pozitívne prispieť k energetickej účinnosti budov, pri súčasnom zohľadnení stále sa zvyšujúcich požiadaviek na vnútorný komfort.
Výberom našich produktov si môžete byť na 100 % istý, že dostanete vždy kvalitný produkt, ktorý plní tie najvyššie štandardy.